The Japan Times 2002年2月22日金曜日 | |
Fire sweeps through an Egyptian passenger train crammed full of holiday-makeres, trapping and killing at least 215. cram = 詰め込む Tanaka, who also said Koizumi "blunderd" in fireing her last month, was giving unsworn testimony before the Lower House Budget Commitee regarding the political spat that led to her dismissa. unsworn testimony = 非公式の証言、かな? spat = 小競り合い blunder = へま The prime minister could have fired the vice minister first and then waited to see how things would develop. could have fired = クビにできた Tanaka's dismissal caused Koizumi's approavl ratings to plunge by nearly 30 percent. plunge = to cast suddenly, violently or deeply into a given state or situation Firefighters managed to extinguish the blaze several hours after it engulfed seven carriages of the train just after midnight Wednesda near the town of al-Ayatt. engulf = to swallow up oroverwhelm by or as if by overflowing and enclosing We pushed each other and we were suffocating from the smoke. suffocate = to kill or destroy by preventing access ofair or oxygen Venezuelan government slams dissident officers. slam = to hit or strike with great force dissident = one who disagrees |